Xubuntu-Openpipeflow virtual disk image

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Setting up the virtual linux machine

In virtualbox:

  • click on 'New'
  • give the new machine a name, e.g. 'xubuntu 12.04 - Openpipeflow'
  • choose linux, 64bit-ubuntu, and default RAM.
  • use existing harddisk file xubuntu-12.04-openpipeflow.vdi then click 'create'.
  • highlight the newly created machine and click 'start'.

At the login prompt

  user: xubuntu
  password: reverse

Openpipeflow on the virtual machine

Open up a terminal by clicking on the Terminal icon at the top left.

Openpipeflow-x.xx has been installed in the Openpipeflow folder in the user's home directory:


Now try the Tutorial. An example output, following the Tutorial can be found in


Desktop window size

To make the window bigger, change the virtual machine's display size via:

(Applications Menu) - Settings - Settings manager - Display - Resolution

If the window size doesn't change immediately, try selecting the same new resolution several times.

Importing/exporting data to/from the virtual machine

You could try inserting a USB key or to scp to another machine. Otherwise, Virtualbox 'Guest Additions' have been installed on the virtual machine. This means that host drives may be mounted by the virtual machine. For example, to mount Windows' drive C, try

  • (virtualbox menu bar) - devices - shared folders - shared folders settings...
  • highlight 'Machine Folders' and click add folder
  • enter 'c:\' with 'auto-mount' and 'make permanent'.
  • reboot the virtual machine
  • try 'ls /media/cf_C_DRIVE/'

About the image file

The disk image derives from that at [1]

7. Xubuntu 12.04 codename Precise Pangolin
   Size (compressed/uncompressed): 502.2 MBytes / 2.6 GBytes
   Link: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/virtualboximage/xubuntu_1204.7z
   Active user account(s) (username/password): xubuntu/reverse
   Notes: from standard ISO image, Guest Additions not installed

Please see xubuntu.org for full licence text.

Note that Guest Additions have since been installed on the virtual machine.

Packages have been installed as follows:

  sudo apt-get install gfortran
  sudo apt-get install liblapack-dev
  sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev
  sudo apt-get install libnetcdf-dev