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Please download the Current version of openpipeflow below. See here for Related Codes
Virtual machine option
If you just want a quick try, or if you are not running a linux environment, then you could try virtualbox and the Xubuntu-Openpipeflow_virtual_disk_image.
If you already have a Fortran compiler, then you only need download the current version (link below), and unpack
tar -xvvzf Openpipeflow-x.xx.tgz
The Makefile has been set up for gfortran, but compile flags for several compilers are included: g95, gfortran, ifort, pathf90, pgf90.
Next see Getting_started, then try the Tutorial.
Current version
- Download: File:Openpipeflow-1.22.tgz
- Comments:
- Some additions to utils/
- Changelog:
- 2023/03 Option to calculate pressure in prim2matlab.f90, courtesy of Jie Yao.
- 2023/04 Two versions of util: prim2ascii_coll.f90, prim2ascii_phys.f90.
- 2023/06 Generic functions related to slicing, predrag_slice_mod.f90.
Older versions
Please download the latest version above!
- Download: File:Openpipeflow-1.21.tgz
- Comments:
- Added transforms direct between phys-coll types, so don't need to handle intermediate spec type.
- Changelog:
- 2017/10/11 See tra_coll2phys(...), tra_phys2coll(...)
- Download: File:Openpipeflow-1.20.tgz
- Comments:
- Slight update to axis treatment. Symmetry property used in all calculations of derivatives.
- Changelog:
- 2017/08/08 Symmetry parameter now used in var_meshmult(...)
- Download: File:Openpipeflow-1.12.tgz
- Comments:
- LES and nonnewtonian (shear-thinning) utils added.
- Radial points may be loaded from, see mes_precompute().
- Changelog:
- 2017/05/08 No changes to core code except option.
- Download: File:Openpipeflow-1.11c.tgz
- Comments:
- Newton-Krylov utility added, see - utils/newton.f90.
- Changelog:
- 2016/12/13 No changes to core code.
- Download: File:Openpipeflow-1.11b.tgz
- Comments:
- Minor update to significant revision-1.10 (Double parallelisation). Please see comments for version 1.10.
- Changelog:
- 2015/11/26 Check for radial split _Np>i_N corrected to _Nr>i_N.
- 2015/08/05 Fixed bug preventing serial use in parallel macros.
- Download: File:Openpipeflow-1.10.tgz
- Comments:
- Double parallelisation: in physical space data is split into _Nr sections radially and (new option) _Ns sections axially. Total number of cores used is _Np=_Nr*_Ns.
- It is recommended that for a modest number of cores, vary _Nr and keep _Ns=1 (split radially only).
- Changelog:
- Double parallelisation.
- Minor updates to var_null, var_imposesymm functions.
- Interpolation correction for prim2matlab.
- Tarball File:Openpipeflow-1.02b.tgz
- Manual File:Openpipeflow-1.02b-doc.pdf. The Online Manual is now more comprehensive.